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Programming & Electronics Tutorials
By TsiamDev



Last time we talked about a lot of things. The pages just poured on the (digital) paper! Even though our source code was very little, quite a few concepts were introduced. It shows that programming is a philosophy rather than a specific language, but it is also not as boring as reading some ancient Greek’s manuscript 😊!

What will we see today? Let’s discover it together!


The content I post (both here and on GitHub) is a product of my own experience and is shaped according to my knowledge and nothing more.

#include Directives

Let’s begin our journey, today, by talking about something that was presented in the last lesson but was not discussed. The first line of code that we (hopefully you too 😊) wrote on our trusty editor was an #include statement. These statements are actually called directives and they guide the - let’s assume - compiler to include, i.e. add some code before the rest of our program.

Specifically, the #include <stdio.h> directive, includes a header file (.h) in our source file. A header file is a file that has the declarations of (among other things) variables, constants and functions. Such a function is our trusty printf()! Sure enough, if we navigate to C:\MinGW\include folder we will find a “stdio.h” file!

And if we open it with our editor, we will find a lot of declarations. If you look at the file, and thought, “This is blasphemy!! This is Madness!!” – no it isn’t, it is just Spartaaaa!!

Just kidding, it is probably going to be a little overwhelming but don’t fret! Let’s search (Ctrl+F) for printf. We will find this line:

Let’s ignore most of it 😊. For now, just notice that there exists the name printf and then a parenthesis with a char argument which infers the declaration of the function.

OK enough with this madness, let’s close the stdio.h file from the editor, as we won’t need it anymore. I just wanted to show you that the stdio.h file is essential if you want to use the printf function in your program. If you try to use printf without including the header file for it, then, the compiler will whine at you for not doing so. In fact, let’s try and reproduce this error.

Go ahead and write this code snippet:

Time to fire up our trusty command line! Compile and…

Compiler is sad.

Warning! Implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’! This means that he recognizes the function printf but can’t remember what it does! Luckily the compiler also remembers where the function is declared and kindly tells you (with a note) to include ‘<stdio.h>’ or… you can provide a user defined function declaration for it. Indeed, as you may have noticed, we are the user!)! Er, how about we just link the built-in declaration with an include statement and save us a lot of time and trouble. Go ahead and add the include statement like this:

It is important that all include statements go to the top of the file. Now let’s compile again.

Compiler no longer sad. Compiler happy! Time for a cup of coffee!


Header and Source files

Ready? OK! Let’s continue.

Now we will talk about how to separate the declarations from the definitions. For this purpose, we will create our very own header file!

When I talk about the declaration of a function, I mean the place where we declare to the compiler the name, the arguments, and the return type of the function. When I talk about the definition of a function, I mean the place where we define what the function actually does, i.e. we define its’ body.


Write the code for a function named “my_print” that takes a “string” argument of length 15 and prints it out to the console. Separate the function declaration from its’ definition with the help of a header file.

Can you guess how this is going to work? I suggest you pause for a minute or two and give it some thought. You should at least have some idea of how this is going to work by now.

Got it? Great! 😊 Let’s try this together now!

In our editor go to File -> New File (or Ctrl+N) and in the page that opens, let’s declare our function. Save the file by giving it a name that looks like this: <your_header_file_name>.h

As you can see, now we have 2 files. A .c file and a .h file. So far so good. But how do we link the 2 files together? Can you guess?*

*Also, if you compile the above snippet, an error is produced. Can you fix it?

If you thought “with an include statement of course!”, you are absolutely on the mark! Keep up the good work!

If you didn’t know, maybe you should read the previous section again. You had your mind on the coffee all along, didn’t you? Well, I don’t blame you, I cheated a bit and made my coffee from the beginning of the lesson.

Next time you’ll be better prepared, you silly you! 😊

Ok, so on with the lesson! Let’s add the include statement. A good question would be “But where do I put the directive? There’s 2 files after all!”. Short answer is, the include directive should be added to the source file. So that when you call a function which is defined in the header file, the compiler will know where to look for its’ declaration.

Did you notice the discrepancy? Indeed. The user defined header file is surrounded by “” instead of <>. This is important, as it tells the compiler where to look for the file. When you use “”, you tell the compiler to look in the same directory as the file that is currently processed. While <> suggests that we refer to a library file, that is located somewhere else. Go ahead compile and run the source file.

No pesky errors or warnings! Great!

Now let’s actually define and call my_print() from main().

Compile and Run!

So far so good. But why bother with the header file? After all, the only code that seems to be run is in the source file. Well, header files are used for code reusability. What that means is essentially you write the code once, and then you can reuse it in as many files as you want without much effort. For example, do you remember printf? Somebody wrote the code for that function, and you can just call it with two lines of code. Right now, it may not seem like a big deal, but you will soon realize the significance of this handy work.


Variables: Declaration and Initialization.

Now we will talk about variables. A variable is a container (a “bag” if you may) that holds a value. The value is initialized, usually in the beginning of main (or another function) and may or may not change during the execution of a program.


let’s add to our program, a variable of type int and initialize it with the value 5.

To do this we need to know the type, the name and the value of the variable. We know all this information, so at this point all that remains is to show you the syntax:

Don’t forget about the semicolon! Otherwise the compiler will greet you with a syntax error!

Notice that we declare and initialize the variable in a single line of code.

Global and local variables

Now, a question arises. Where do I put this line of code? The answer is: it depends.

Do you want the variable to be visible by the entirety of the source file? In other words, do you want the variable to be a global? Or perhaps you just need the variable for a local calculation in some function?

If it is the first case and you need a global variable, then you should put this line of code “outside” of every function, and if it is the second you should define the variable in the scope of the function that needs it. For example:

Side note: ignore the “//” for now, these are called comments and we will talk about them after the break. For now, you just need to know that the GCC compiler, completely ignores every line starting with “//”

Pop Quiz! Can you devise a test scenario for this use case?

Pop Quiz (continued): What will happen if we try to print the values of these 2 variables in main?

Answer: If you guessed “compiler throws an error” you are right!

As you can see, y is declared in function my_print() and not main(), so when the compiler tries to print the value of y, it can’t find it in the section of the memory associated with main() and therefore throws this error.


Can you think of a way to change the source code, so that it prints:

First, the value of x and then the value of y, while x remains a global variable and y local to my_print()?

Here is one solution to this problem:

And here is another, a bit more advanced solution, but one that you could totally think of with what you’ve learned so far from these lessons.

Notice that I change the return type of my_print(), in both the .c and .h files, (i.e. I modified the declaration of the function) if you don’t do this, the compiler will throw a conflict error.

If you got a completely different answer to the pop quiz, don’t fret! Well done! The beauty of programming is that there is not a single key that unlocks every door. Usually, you can solve a problem in many ways. Of course, some of the solutions will be “better” (i.e. either are executed faster or use less memory) than others, but that’s a subject for another day.



I believe I haven’t talked at all about the execution order of the program. In Functional Programming, the order of execution is sequential.

We know that main() is the first function that gets called whenever we run a.exe . But what happens next? Well here is a simplified explanation. In our program above, main (line 20) gets called and then the function’s execution begins. Then, (line 21 is empty so it is ignored by the compiler) line 22 gets executed, then line 23, then 24 etcetera, until it reaches the “}” of the function. Can you guess (by looking at the code above) which line of code that is?

Well, it is line 25 of course! When the execution reaches this point, the execution of the function ends, and if it is (like our case) the end of the main function, then the program (a.exe) ends.

You can think of this process as a car that travels down a straight road and then at some point reaches its’ destination and stops.

You might observe that a car can also turn right, left or even go backwards. An analogy for this also exists for a programming concept called branches, but we’ll talk about this a bit later on.

Side note: I don’t know what happens if the car starts to fly, or if you think about an amphibious vehicle. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn this, and then tell me about it someday 😊


We touched on this subject before the break. Comments are denoted with the “//” characters at the start of the line. Whenever the compiler reaches one such line that begins with these characters, it completely ignores it and goes to the next line.

There can also be multiline comments. A multiline comment starts with “/*” on the first line and ends with a “*/”.

This is a multiline comment:

Comments are usefully to other coders when they read a piece of code. Their purpose is to help other people understand what your code does, and/or how it does it. You should get acquainted with them as they are very useful to others. It is a good programming practice to use as little of them, given that their length is enough to explain what needs explaining 😊.

Data Types: Integers and Chars

Next up, we’ll talk about data types. There are many different data types, but we’ll talk about two of them*.

*For more detailed information you can refer to this site: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_data_types.htm

We have already seen a few things about chars and integers. Now we will dive a little deeper into this subject. First thing you should know is that for C, everything is represented by an integer, i.e. a whole number at a specific interval. For example, char is a whole number in the interval [-127, 127] which has a length of

Also, and , so 8 bits (= 1 byte) are enough for representing 1 char.

An integer is and if we split this in a symmetric interval around 0 we get this interval: .

You may have noticed at this point that which is not equal to . But that’s because in some binary representations, 0 has 2 representations. So .

But enough of that jargon. Let’s put what we’ve learned to the test!

Overflow: Inf and NaN

Firstly, let’s take a look at the integers. Let’s make a new file called “lesson_2b.c” and try to assign a bigger number than the maximum of the above interval and then print the value:

Pop Quiz: Can you guess what will happen?

If you guessed that it “wraps around” to the minimum number that can be represented in this interval, you probably have some background in computer science 😊

This is called overflow. In C this is the predefined behavior to handle the overflow for integers. In other languages you might encounter +Inf (infinity), -Inf, or NaN (Not a Number) values whenever the value of the variable exceeds the permitted interval.
